On Sun, 13 Feb 2000 00:12:25 +0000, robswindells
>This is it - forever. No one, ever again will produce such racing cars
>that were to be seen on the worlds circuits in the 60's. Even if they
>did, they would look out of place, look silly even on today's tracks.
>This is it - forever. No one ever again will produce such a great sim as
>GPL. It didn't make enough money, it wasn't a success. Even if GP3 is as
>good as GP2 was in it's day, I don't think I would stop racing GPL.
A glimmer of hope (but only a glimmer) - in the early 80s, everyone
said that the affordable small sportscar market was dead,
unprofitable, and would never come back. The TR7 was used as an awful
warning. Then along came Mazda with the MX5, and now we have the Lotus
Elise. So the situation's not *entirely* hopeless (I almost convinced
myself there...).
You need one brave company that will commit even though it knows it a
previous effort made a loss, and won't sacrifice the gameplay (physics
above all) for "arcadeyness". Having an arcade mode is fine, as long
as it's only a thin veneer (who used Arcade mode on F1RS for more than
a day?). In effect, GPL2 would have to be <grits teeth, screws up face
in pain, forces out the dread words> a "loss leader".
If my numbers come up on the lottery (especially if its a double
rollover!), I hereby promise to put a sizeable chunk of that into GPL2
development. You read it here first!
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll, really."
(Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh)