I'd often like to take a little wing in or out- the car handles
differently in the race. I think I've even found that some sets of
tires wear/act differently than others, but that is hard to prove.
(Sony- is this true!?! That certainly would be true to life...). Also,
there are times (like when I go out on a half-tank) I'd like to put
soft tires on instead of hard, but I don't even know if that is
possible, since I haven't had time to study the pit menu in the brief
time alotted.
I'm surprised if you wouldn't agree that it should be possible to
pause the game to set up the pit stop- I think it is a fair proposal,
given that normally a driver would have done this all through the race
on the radio with the crew chief.
At Michigan, I've lost a couple of races because on the third pit
stop, for some reason, the pit defaulted to a "no fuel" pit, and in
the rush in, I failed to notice it or change it in time. SO I left the
pits without fuel!!! That sucked.
BTW- anybody else notice some *very wierd* scoring going on at
Michigan and... Cleveland (I think)? I have witnessed on a few
occasions that my final listing shows me different from what I know I
came in- like, I came in 4th and it shows me in 11th, or 8th. What is
that about? If I am being penalized for restarting or some sort of
"imaginary black flagging", that's OK with me... but I'd like to know
ALso- I love this sim, without a doubt... but another gripe: can any
of you finish any given race without getting ***ly discharged from
the race by another car at Mid-Ohio? The level of aggressiveness of
the other cars there is... outrageous. It is fun if I'm doing a
single race... but it is unnerving in a season race. I find myself
deliberately zipping off early over the grass to avoid the ***
ramming by cars behind me. Anybody else notice this?