I've found out by doing a couple of these surveys in the past is that this
new group has a huge "silent" following.
The first survey, would LWFF owners be interested in an add-on shifter, was
pretty straight forward as a marketing question for Logitech (or any other
manufacturer, of course). The question wasn't trying to find out if an
add-on shifter would sell in general. That's been pretty well covered by the
sales generated by Act Labs RS Shifter. So the question, then, was geared
directly at LWFF owners. The *raw* results were about 80% would think about
The second survey, would you have bought a model with a stick shifter as
well as the paddles if it was offered, was, as some of you already guessed,
a control used to qualify the responses in the first survey and a small
lesson in human nature. Apparently it was a little tougher for some to
understand, also. The question wasn't "do you like your LWFF wheel", or
"what would you change about your LWFF wheel". I also think that some had a
hard time understanding that they didn't "love my paddles" before they even
bought the wheel, and certainly weren't used to them before they ever tried
them. Then of course there were some that answered 'no' to all three, which
I assume means that they have a LWFF and are planning to buy another wheel
(not happy with the Logitech, I guess) and that if Logitech's next wheel has
a stick shifter added to it, they won't buy it. Again, I think some had a
hard time understanding the question, but I appreciate your input and effort
just the same.
So, the net results were that 84% (not as big a change from the raw results
as I expected) would consider and add-on shifter for the LWFF. Of those
considering a new wheel, about 60% would give the LWFF more consideration if
it included a stick shifter at the same price (hmmm....less than I thought).
Again, thank you all very much. These results could effect what hardware
is introduced in the future and how driving sims are programmed. You never
know ;)
Oh, BTW, the effect of the "what do you wear on your feet while driving"
survey should become apparent in 45 to 60 days.