Wots goings on????
4 hours in and I'm very dissapointed in Geoffs latest
F12002 has kept me up on some late nighters (excellent game) runs like
Schumi at Monza!
GP4 looks nice cranked up, but it's a picture not a movie!
hotlap on my own PO drops to a respectable 75-80%
Have race and bang sllloooooowwwww mmmmoooooo takes over...
Any got a definative solution?
Also my MOMO causes menu jumping, complete pain in th rear...
I was looking forward to Geoffs new baby, but at the moment the CD rack is
looming large.. If the stupid box they sold it in would take it..
Oh yes and I got the pamphlet but wheres the manual!!!!!!
A GP1,2,3 veteran sits very dissappointed in Portsmouth, thinking EA has
stolen his crown!
Come Geoff, jokes over, send out the patch...