The first fully Australian based Grand Prix Legends Australian Championship
is over... run and won... and for the full reports please check it out
With 5 rounds, the GPLAC was a fantastic success with full grids and close
and hard racing.
I (and I'm sure all) would like to thank the organisers:
Ed Fox
Vince Browning
I would also like to thank Troy Rosenberg for making this championship
possible to be based in Australia and allowing for close (practically) warp
free racing.
For fantastically detailed and interesting race reports, check out Phillip
McNelley's reports with graphs and pictures you gotta check them out!!!
We now look forward to an even better Season 2 with a number of different
rules and team combinations it promises to be fantastic...
Hope to see you on the track
James Pickard,
GPL Australian Champion: Season 1 (well.. I had to throw that in :-)