I have read this newsgroup since it started. I've seen some good information as well as bad be passed. But
what never stops to amaze me is the assination by people of other's attempts to make new add-ons for our
sport! Whether it is a new utility, track, car set or whatever. There are those out there who if something
someone tries to bring to our sport they tear it apart (or them) for trying. When was the last time you tried
to paint a new carset, or create a new track, or write a usefull utility? I've seen the "new" tracks called
clones. What does this mean? All tracks are clones of another, did someone create new asphalt while I was on
vacation. Isn't a curve or straightaway still a curve or straightaway? The same with cars and carsets. All of
these things are the result of someone trying to improve on the great games we allready have!
I for one am gratefull to the people who take the time and money to attempt to bring something new to our
Sport! I don't know why they continue to do this for us when all we do is try to tear them or their product to
peices. But I am glad they do! My hats off to the Gerhard's, Jed's, Earl Ma's, Michael Carver's, and all those
who try to better our sport! PLEASE don't let the "critics" stop you from your attempts. There is the unspoken
majority who do APPRECIATE your work. I look forward to using the next new carset, or track, or utility that
you create.