How does $50,000 for 1997 sound? Well, take a minute to read the
article below...
The Internet has grown tremendously. It doubles in size every 4
months. Think about it. You see these "Make Money Fast" posts more and
That's because, IT WORKS!!!!!!
So, I thought all the new users might just make it work, and decided to
try it out a few months ago. Besides, what's $5.00. I spend more than
that on my way to work every morning on coffee and cigarettes for the
day. So I sent in my money and posted. Everyone was calling it a scam
, but there are so many new users from AOL, Netcom, etc. that they will
join in and make it work for you.
There are THOUSANDS OF NEW USERS EVERYDAY! Looking to get in on what
you now have a chance to become?
As time passed on...
Well, two weeks later, I began receiving bucks in the mail! I couldn't
believe it! Not just a little....I MEAN BIG BUCKS!!! At first, only a
few hundred dollars, then a week later, a couple of THOUSAND, the
BOOM. By the end of the fourth week, I HAD RECEIVED NEARLY $47,000.00.
It came from all over the world. And, every bit of it ---PERFECTLY
LEGAL--- and on the up and up.
I've been able to pay off all of my bills and still had enough left over
for a nice vacation for me and my family.
You Never Know Until You Try!!!!!
STEP 1. Invest your $5.00 by WRITING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS on 5
separate sheets of paper along with the words: "Please add me to your
mailing list". (In this way, you're not just sending a dollar to
someone but, rather, you're paying for a ligitimate service.) Fold a
$1.00 bill inside each sheet of paper and mail them by standard
mail...(just like you would a letter to someone), to the following 5
1. Bin Tan
10 Glenwood Rd.
North Branford, CT. 06471
2. M. Randon
15 Harvey St.
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8L 2L9
3. S. Brockelbank
2488 Page Road
Gloucester, Ontario
Canada K1W 1H2
4. I. McRae
P.O.Box 58002
Orleans, Ontario
Canada K1C 7H4
5. M. Fougere
Ida Aalbergin tie 1D105
00400 Helsinki
STEP 2. Now REMOVE the top name from the list and move the other names
up. This way, #5 name becomes #4 name and #4 name becomes #3 name, and
so on. Now, put YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS in as the 5th one on the list.
STEP 3. Post the new article (the one with your name on it) to at
least 250 newsgroups. There are close to 19,000 at any given time.
Try posting to as many groups as you can. Remember, the more people
that see your posting, the better!!
That's it! ! ! ! ! You are now in business and you should start seeing
returns within 7 to 14 days! Remember, the Internet is still new and it
is huge and growing everyday.....there is no way you can lose...except
if you don't take the time and try!!!
Here's how and why the system works:
Out of every block of 250 posts I made, I got back 5 responses. Yes,
that's right, only 5. You make $5.00 in cash, not checks or money
orders, but real cash with your name at #5.
Each additional person who sent you $1.00, now also makes 250 additional
postings with your name at #4, 1000 postings. On average then, 50
people will send you $1.00 with your name at #4.......$50.00 in your
Each additional person will make 250 postings each with your name at #3
or 10,000 postings. Average return, 500 people = $500.00 and so on.
You get the idea.
???????WHY IT WORKS???????
The reason being is that this program is a Canadian founded idea. We
have an even larger audience to subject to this idea here in the States,
making this even BIGGER AND BETTER than the usual small time
organization's "you'll see"!
Pretty simple sounding stuff, huh? But believe me, it works!! There
are 8 million people on the Internet every day! So, my friend, read and
follow the simple instructions and play FAIR!!
That's the key to large money returns.
By the way, if you decide to try to deceive people by posting the
messages with your name in the list and not sending the bucks to the
people already will not get that much money in
return. I know someone who did this and they only got about $150.00,
and that was after 2 months. Then he sent the 5 $1.00 bills and in 4
-5 weeks, he had over $10,000.00.