NEW Thrustmaster Nascar "SPRINT" wheel..... any good ???

Lorne Glustei

NEW Thrustmaster Nascar "SPRINT" wheel..... any good ???

by Lorne Glustei » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Please respond to the group.



neil cannin

NEW Thrustmaster Nascar "SPRINT" wheel..... any good ???

by neil cannin » Mon, 21 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I saw it today at comp usa on sale for 49.99 .
The pedels looked small and close together,the whell felt lite compared to a
t2 wheel and had the paddles behind the wheel like the gp1 wheel.
The paddles also felt mushy and slow to return.The clamping system did look
The price is good but i think i'll wait for a review in a magazine before i
buy it

neil canning (still happy with my gp1)

>Please respond to the group.


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