i need help please respond

Dion Lain

i need help please respond

by Dion Lain » Sun, 29 Nov 1998 04:00:00

ok here is the problem:
Im making a 1999 season for N2.  I did that fine, but i cant seem to
find the Homestead track anywhere to download. I have allthe others like
Daytona, Indy, Las Vegas, and the new Atlanta, but no Homestead which is
added to the 1999 season of WC.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.

i need help please respond

by Crash » Mon, 30 Nov 1998 04:00:00


Go to:

then :

N2 MessageBoard

look for a guy named:  hckynut

he"ll send it to ya.

His name is JJ.

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