I'm assuming that you only have the original NASCAR Racing 2 installed
on your computer, and not the BGN track pack (it has the update
included). If so, you will need a patch availible from Sierra at their
website ( www.sierra.com I believe). The original N2 install had a bug
which prevents you from saving and loading setups at some tracks. Get
the patch, install it, and your problem should be solved. Good luck!
Tony Long
> Ok I got a new one. Why can't I see any setups I load into my N2 track
> folders? I can see them in the folder but when I load the game the only
> thing there is Ace easy qual & fast. It's like the game isn't recognizing
> them. Anyone have any ideas? I've tried loading three different stg. files
> in three different track folders & they don't show up. Now what?