PaintShop Pro7 is working really nice for me.
I make a generic template in N4 with my base color and export it. Then I
add the car lines to it and export with another name. I can then merge
these two exports into seperate layers in PSP7 and add a new layer for
decals so that I can work on the car without messing up base info.
When you finish and flatten the image into one level, make sure you save the
car in an uncompressed format or N4 will say it is an invalid file.
Good Luck.
> Hey all, is anyone having any luck painting with third party apps,
> especially free/shareware? I think the cars look pretty good right out of
> the N4 paintshop, but we're limited with fonts and font sizes, anybody
> having good results outside of N4? Let me know.....
> --
> Go Rusty, and Dale, and Dale, and, *shit*, <sniff>
> RIP Dale Earnhardt