Oh yeah, the util is at www.theuspits.com
Er, thanks for the plug, Sjon... ;-)
SVG-Edit allows you to:
- edit race length, opposition level and damage model
- change the Player's team and the Player's car type (F1/F2/F3)
- change each of the AI's teams and car types
- change the grid positions
I just sent out an updated version (v1.01) to the Pits that has a
mention of the required VB6 runtimes in the readme.txt
I forgot that in the first release which caused some confusion.
Cheers !
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
> > The Pits have a util called SVG edit by Cris Eichler, it allows you to
> > change things like number of laps, damage model, grid order and some
> other
> > things in a saved game.
> Er, thanks for the plug, Sjon... ;-)
> SVG-Edit allows you to:
> - edit race length, opposition level and damage model
> - change the Player's team and the Player's car type (F1/F2/F3)
> - change each of the AI's teams and car types
> - change the grid positions
> I just sent out an updated version (v1.01) to the Pits that has a
> mention of the required VB6 runtimes in the readme.txt
> I forgot that in the first release which caused some confusion.
> Cheers !
> Cris
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.