I just can't take it any more!!!!
I highly suggest CERTAIN game designers give themselves a mammoth kick
in the ass and a few dozen whallops over the head with a wet trout for
not thinking in simple basic *** terms. In 2 words, this post is
about "GAME OPTIONS" or lack there of.
1. Input sensitivity adjustment Best example- Test Drive 4
Whats wrong- the makers of TD4 turned my joystick into an on/off switch.
Why in the hell can't game makers automaticly put in an adjustment
feature for steering sensitivity? This should be a no brainer for
anything you have to steer including people and flying thingies. Yes,
some games you steer are specific simulations trying to have a certain
feel but having a steering adjustment of some kind allows for the many
joystick/controler variations out there. Plus, maybe the game sucks to a
person in that particular simulation with the steering being so slow or
too fast. Give us the option!
2. Popup adjustment Best example- Turok or Daytona USA
Whats wrong- the makers don't allow the user to choose popup distance
and fog/darkness usage well enough
So fine, if a game will slow down a persons PC cause of far drawn
objects put in a damn option to adjust the drawing distance and/or fog
distance. Whoa, you say, most games do have that now. Yes but I want my
games drawn out to the horizon within the game and reduced from there. I
dont want to see building or trees come out of no where if I know my
computer can handle it. I want to be able to adjust the draw distance
DOWN from the horizon distance and NOT be made to painfully endure a
certain game designers maximum viewing distance which they think is far
enough. Let me see all the way and give us awesome adjustability.
3. Save game Best example- too many to choose from
Whats wrong- the makers decide that all my time trying to play their
game is worthless to them
What, the 45 min of time I just put into trying and kill my 2 buddies
over the internet in a serious game of real time strategy is worth
mosquito dung to us all? Lets see some multiplayer save game options Mr.
Gamemaker. Also, some games only allow you to save in certain spots
making you replay a whole part of the game again just to get to where
you wanted to be in the first place. Lame-ola!!!! I got a hard drive,
let me use it.
These are all just examples of what many games in general lack but
shouldn't. I'm not trying to be too specific on picking on certain games
or game companies, I'm just using them as a general example of what not
to do and to make a point I guess.
Here, I'll give ya 2 flint stones so you can start a fire if you want
but these above points do...ummm..have a point dont they?