> > I like to run a long practice sessions with all cars (43) allowed on
> > the track. (offline race)
> > No matter how I enter the pits I get a msg that there is a pit speed
> > limit of 55 (Daytona) and that my lap won't count.
> > So I leave the pits and never go over 40, same on reentering and still
> > I get that msg.
> > Do I have to enter the pits at exactly 55 !!! ? ;o)
> > Elrikk
> Not having the game, I can't tell you if it's a bug, but here is the
> Nascar procedure.
> You can enter the pits at any speed UNDER 55mph.(note: miles per hour,
> not kilos per hour) <2nd note: each track may have different pit speed
> limits.>
> You MUST be down to the pit lane speed limit, in this case 55mph, by
> the Pit entrance. Usually there is a white line and a Nascar track
> Marshall posted there. So IF you get down to 55 BEFORE the white pit
> entry line is crosed, you should be fine.
> Leaving the pits is similar. You must stay at or under 55mph until you
> exit the pit lane area...again usually marked by a white line painted
> across the track. Penalty for speeding during a race is either going to
> the back of the longest line or a drive thru the pits at pit lane speed
> while under green flag conditions.
> dave henrie
Thanks Dave but that's not the problem. I can leave the pits and do a whole
lap and never go faster then 40 for the whole lap and the dang pit marshall
keeps telling me the pit limit is 55.
Could be a bug eh? ;o)
PS. This is happening during the practice session prior to a race. Don't
know what will happen then.