In my opinion, it is not the money issue. A lot of people have put in a
lot of hours for Nascar/Indycar utilities and have charged nothing for
them. How many of these utilities does the author of this converter have
that he didn't pay for. If everybody charged something for every utility
that they programmed then we'd all have none. I myself and a programmer
and a huge Nascar fan. I have developed a Racing SIM utility/program that
is near completion, and I have put a lot of time into it. I struggled with
the issue of charging for the program or not charging for it. I have opted
for not charging for it, simply because I feel that other of my SIM
brothers and sisters have put a lot of there time into utilities which I
use, and I will be giving back what has been given to me.
PS. Details of my Utility/Program will be available soon.