(or "Wegburg," as .rpy calls it), is redolent with a sense of place.
Furious attention to detail--accurate buildings, period-correct signage; you
get the feeling that every spectator is hand-crafted. I especially
appreciate the generous servings of objects and textures...despite which, it
gives a tremendous sense of speed, and the changes in track textures keeps
it interesting. There are really only two turns, but that makes it more
like a natural-terrain Indianapolis...only twice as long! Those 5-mile laps
really whiz by in a hurry! It was surely the fastest road circuit in
Europe...or would have been if the F1s had ever run there. Too bad CART's
Indy cars won't be running there rather than the sanitized Lausitsring later
this fall.
I suspect the Grenzlandring will become an online favorite. It encourages
tight drafting battles, and despite being both easy to learn & easy to
drive, rewards precision over mere bravery. I've only just begun to work on
setups, but obviously it responds to tweaks more suitable for ovals than
road courses: open up the diff, go wildly asymmentrical, overinflate the
tires, and don't over-rev the engine.
Thanks so much, Andre. Grenzland will be one of my favorites for a long,
long time.
--Steve Smith