I don't complain very often about the signal-to-noise level in this group,
but lately it's gotten completely out of hand. Here's a few suggestions
that would make this place a little more tolerable for everyone:
1. If you want to report a bug, just report the bug. Making statements like
"This is the most bug-ridden piece of software I've ever seen" doesn't do
anything to help your cause. If you want the problem fixed, you need to
explain what you did to make it happen, include your machine configuration,
and anything else you can think of that might have a bearing on the
2. If someone does make a remark like the above, JUST IGNORE THEM. There's
no point in continuing a thread with someone who just wants to make
trouble. Ignore them, they will shut up after awhile, and we'll all be a
lot happier.
3. Let's stop the personal attacks. Calling someone an idiot doesn't
accomplish anything. They may very well be an idiot by your standards, but
if you can see it from their posts, then so can everyone else. If you have
something constructive to add, then say it and leave the rest of us to draw
our own conclusions.
Those of you claiming that Papyrus doesn't care about their customers
obviously haven't dealt with the people at Papyrus. There isn't a week that
goes by that I don't get a personal note from one of the developers at
Papyrus regarding something that happens on the newsgroup. They are doing
everything they can to improve the quality of NASCAR 2. And for a couple of
good reasons: They care a LOT about the product; and they want you to buy a
copy NASCAR 3, 4, 5..., because that's what is going to allow them to keep
doing what they love, which is producing the best sim that they can.
RAS has gone through some painful episodes the last few months. Let's see
if we can get things back on track and start talking about racing again.
Dave Sparks
IWCCCARS Project: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Late Night League: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
Hawaii Handle: davids