GPL has its fans (I being one) when it is in the ONLINE racing format.
A race against competition that is favorable and truly at the same
level is important. The AI in GPL was and is not. I found the
downloadable adjustments for the AI were not conducive to smooth
running of my sim and was not able to use it, so I merely felt that
this was a sim that allowed me to PRACTICE on my own, and then race
others on the internet.
Then came the horrible problems as last spring approached. I belonged
to a league and for a while we were OK, but then things got worse with
the warps, and ghosts, and myriad of other problems that existed.
When the first patch came out, suddenly I was unable to do ANYTHING
with the sim, as it became unable to run properly.
I was forced to uninstall it from my computer and it remains
uninstalled to this very day.
The general public (for the most part) does not have the patience that
the dedicated sim racers have, and I saw on several occasions at the
local (and well known national chain of computer and software) store
whereas the sales persons were actually talking people FROM purchasing
GPL because of the difficulty and the fact that the AI was ( I feel as
well) unreasonable quick, and had no adjustment as with the NASCAR
I NEVER was able to figure that one out. Sure this was a WORLD
CHAMPIONSHIP level sim, but not everyone want to run at World
Championship level. They merely want to be entertained.
The fact that Papy left out the AI adjustment, and I saw the lame
excuses for the reasoning, falls on their shoulders, and the fact that
it didn't do well is that they did not attempt to allow EVERYONE to
enjoy the sim.
There are a lot of people who want to enjoy the race wheel to wheel
with the various drivers. So what if they are running at 90% . It is
up to the purchaser at that point.
Papy made a poor business decision and wasted a perfectly good sim
that could be utilized in many respects for years, but I see now that
the NASCAR3 is getting much of the attention now, and deservedly so.
Sure , it has its little bugs, but you can race it like you want to,
online or within with the AI and have a good time with it rather than
being frustrated as the field flies away from you in the first turn as
if they are on warmed tires and with turbochargers, while you are
sitting still.
The word got out, the wrong people made a business decision that cost
a TON of money for them. I hate it as well, but I blame PAPY and PAPY
They buck stops there.