Gee, a minor car accident, and you are ready to dethrown the king. If
you have read any of the papers, and seen/heard any of the news, you
would know that Petty thought he had not hit the car in front of him
at all, and continued on. When pulled over, he was surprised that
the he hit the car, and appologized to the trooper. He went to court,
paid his fine, and had points deducted from his liscence. A good
citizen, if you ask me.
According to state troopers, the 1/4" scratch on the man's car could
not have been done by Petty as it was too high. Even though, the $25
dollars in damage is nothing, and will be paid by Petty's insurance.
As said by John Boy of "The Big Show", "The guy could get Petty's
autograph and get twice that much for it, and if he ever sells the
car, he can say, honestly, 'This car was hit by Richard Petty.'"
I'm sure what Richard Petty has done is done thousands of times on
streets all around the world. This isn't something that happened for
the first time. Like Petty said, when asked if this was like a NASCAR
incident, he said "No, if it was, he would be in the ditch."
Chris Keenan
Long Live the King, lead the way, and I will follow.
>Dear King,
> Please try to be more patient with fellow drivers on the highway.
>Young drivers by the thousands see you as a hero and role model. We
>have too many dangerous acts on our highways as it is. You have gone
>beyond any set of criteria set forth for earning your place as a top
>driver. Don't blow it.