Well now if this didn't stray from it's original group.
Of course after this I can just picture the distracted mess the next
taladega race at hawaii will be ;)
>How does a rodeo cowboy make love? First he mounts his girl.
>Then, at the moment of climax, he shouts out another girl's
>name. If he can keep from getting bucked off for 8 seconds,
>he is a winner!
>Urgent Call
> The urgent call came in at 9:30 from a couple in the penthouse
>suite. They requested some photographs taken right away . As the
>resident photographer for the five star resort, I received these
>all the time. Except this time it was different.
sheesh what is this group coming to. (no pun intended)
Ron R II
Oh btw: you'll notice I at least remembered to remove the other 4 or 5
groups before I posted this junk. :)
** Keep the shiny side up & the hammer down **
*** Ron "Cougar" Riekens II ***
**** Owner - Driver ****
**** Medallion Motorsports/*** Photography ****
*** NASS ARCA Series #96 Pontiac ***