Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

The TA

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by The TA » Tue, 22 Apr 2003 23:18:55

Check this

Check this out!!  LOL!!!


Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Larr » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 02:31:16

My goodness, did they actually LOOK that bad ?



Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Mike » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 05:24:50

I remember when I got n2, I thought it was so awsome in the graphics


Mike Beaucham

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Mike Beaucham » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 05:43:06

Nascar 1 had a high resolution mode that seemed to be overlooked a lot of
the time. I think it was nascar /hi as the switch.

Anyways, I remember this weird bug in the game...

If you went around backwards at talladega, and hit someone head on, you
could send them flying around the track about about 1000MPH and they'd do a
full lap backwards with all their pieces flying off...



Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Milhous » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 06:26:27

-h. :)

Ah, the good old days...I'd pop in a bootdisk to make the most of my 8MB of
RAM by disabling the CD-ROM drive...load up DOS 6.22...disable my 2MB PCI
Diamond Stealth64's power-saving mode, and then go type "icr2 -h" to watch a

I think once I got to 40MB of RAM, "icr2 -h" was playable. Heh.

Eventually I made batchfiles to do the whole mess...just boot from the disk
and type "icr2"...


> Nascar 1 had a high resolution mode that seemed to be overlooked a lot of
> the time. I think it was nascar /hi as the switch.

> Anyways, I remember this weird bug in the game...

> If you went around backwards at talladega, and hit someone head on, you
> could send them flying around the track about about 1000MPH and they'd do
> full lap backwards with all their pieces flying off...

> Mike

> > Check this

> > Check this out!!  LOL!!!

> >

Jan Verschuere

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Jan Verschuere » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 07:21:33

I had 8 bootdisks... one for each game I played. ;-)


Mike Beaucham

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Mike Beaucham » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 07:24:22

No way I never used boot disks..
For stuff like Nascar with the high definition, on loadup when it said
"starting ms dos.."
I'd hold down the shift button :)

Loaded up the mouse if I had to, and then ran sound.bat or mouse.bat (that I
created) and then ran the game :)

Indy car 2 was great as well.. I could never run it with the road texture on
though :(


Jason Moy

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Jason Moy » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:10:57

On Mon, 21 Apr 2003 14:26:27 -0700, "Milhouse"

>I think once I got to 40MB of RAM, "icr2 -h" was playable. Heh.

Weird.  I found icr2 -h playable on my old 486 dx2 66mHz machine and I
believe I had 12 megs of RAM.  ICR2's engine was much faster in hi-res
mode than nascar 1's was (I think the readme even said that it had
been highly optimized, hehe).

It's a shame it hasn't held up well.  Every now and then I get the
urge to fire it up and the magic's gone.  Steve's strategy guide that
came out later is still a masterpiece tho.  I had index cards all over
my apartment after working through it.


Jason Moy

Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Jason Moy » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:11:52

On Mon, 21 Apr 2003 18:24:22 -0400, "Mike Beauchamp"

>Indy car 2 was great as well.. I could never run it with the road texture on
>though :(

The road texture absolutely destroyed framerates.  It was tough
turning it off tho because it looked so much better. =)



Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Philste » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:20:28

Yeah, so much different from today. What's the AA setting on that? lol.
Guess we ONLY have to worry about what video drivers to install, what raster
to use, what OS, version of Direct neXt, etc...

I remember racing Nascar Racing with only a couple cars drawn ahead, no car
textures, no grandstands, on my poor old 486...(is that old of a sim?) Guess
now I'm old and crazy enough to spend $ on a pc that will actually run the
game :)

Philippe "Philster" Sergerie

> -h. :)

> Ah, the good old days...I'd pop in a bootdisk to make the most of my 8MB
> RAM by disabling the CD-ROM drive...load up DOS 6.22...disable my 2MB PCI
> Diamond Stealth64's power-saving mode, and then go type "icr2 -h" to watch
> slideshow...

> I think once I got to 40MB of RAM, "icr2 -h" was playable. Heh.

> Eventually I made batchfiles to do the whole mess...just boot from the
> and type "icr2"...

> Milhouse

> > Nascar 1 had a high resolution mode that seemed to be overlooked a lot
> > the time. I think it was nascar /hi as the switch.

> > Anyways, I remember this weird bug in the game...

> > If you went around backwards at talladega, and hit someone head on, you
> > could send them flying around the track about about 1000MPH and they'd
> a
> > full lap backwards with all their pieces flying off...

> > Mike
> >

> > > Check this

> > > Check this out!!  LOL!!!

> > >


Old NASCAR Racing pics.........

by Mitch_ » Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:52:35

When N1 hit the shelves I had just put together the fastest box available.
Pentium 90 (P54c) 16MB RAM ($680 alone) ATI Winboost and it still sucked
graphically :).

WinG (precursor to DX) had just been announced and it had a Doom demo that
ran under windows31, quite amazing at the time, or so I thought  :))


I remember racing Nascar Racing with only a couple cars drawn ahead, no car is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.