Newsgroups: We are automobile consultants. Our advice to certain new car dealers to change WE NEED YOUR HELP TO STOP THIS! If you have had a bad shopping experience at a Give us the dealership name, brand of vehicle and city. Also, give us your name Be explicit! Tell us if you were turned off by the salesman, manager or It is our intent to make dealers aware of the offensive tactics that are being We will relay to you our responses.
Harold Mounce
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 95 19:36:24 PDT
Subject: Report Bad Car Shopping Experiences
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their treatment of shoppers has fallen on deaf ears.
new car dealership, please e-mail your experience to us.
if it is OK to use it. You might get something free out of it as some dealers
will be appreciative.
misleading advertising. What ever it was, we want to know.
used by their sales force.
CarData Information Systems