: The difference in the tracks design are real, the background of the
: tracks are great now.
: The main problem is on the default setup, the car seems very strange,
: one lap, two lap it's ok and after i loose it in every corner
: (oversteer ?)
The default setups may be okay for a default driver, but I am more of a
"faulty" driver and need to tweak the setup for my driving style. I
usually take out to the track with the easy (if I am not familiar with
the track and the approaches to the corners). When I am comfortable, I
will take out the Fast setup with about 25 gals and run around hard
until I am about down to 15 gals. This gives me a mid-balanced car to
work my setup changes on. The first thing I look for is even tire-temps
across all 4 tires. Then I look for tire temps on all 4 tires. I am
looking to get the tire temps close (excepting the LF on ovals). If
there is a huge difference this usually indicates tire compound change.
Then I try changing shock levels (1 corner at a time). Go back out with
25 gals and see if there is any improvement in handling and speed. If
it's better save the setup and tweak some more. Once I have tweaked the
Fast setup to get the most speed and consistant handling, I take a look
at the difference between the original Fast and Ace settings to see
where they thought the speed comes from and start making changes based
on these clues.
A couple of things to try. Play with the sway-bar settings and see
whether stiffening the front or the rear helps out. This usually
indicates that one can go back to the garage and stiffen the shocks for
a little more speed. If stiffening the front sway bars brought better
handling, try stiffening the front shocks in the garage. Or try
softening the rear shocks.
A while back some people where complaining about oversteer at Long
Beach. I suggest taking a look at the tire temps. Watch where they
seem to "heat" up. I found that along the 2 long "straights" the left
side seems to gain the most heat. This indicated that a little reverse
stagger would help me get that slight "right hand turn" down the front
straight without the tire temp buildup. With the default setups the
LR was getting to hot, causing an unbalance on the grip of the rear
tires. This showed up as oversteer when exitting the corners.
Enough rambling....
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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