>Are you currently working on additions to your great program? f yes, what
>are the improvements we can expect?
>I'm still hoping for a plot that compares the lines the cars drive around
>the track, which shouldn't be too hard, as you can already plot the
>trackmap. Simply add 2 more lines on the map, which are at a distance from
>the center-line according to the "lateral" data, and you're done.
I'm not planning to do that right now. I've made some improvements to the
track map so that it shows real curves instead of just lines where the
curves are supposed to be.. that looks great on oval tracks and brands hatch,
but makes some of the othe original tracks look a bit more messy.
There are some problems with what you are suggesting and my current track map
plotting, but I don't want to go there, since it's too early in the morning
right now.
Actually it would take around 7 minutes, but I'm too busy picking my nose :-)