saw that one most excellent site has been taken down from finland because of
merzick rights and all that good funky junky.....
collaborate! make it totally original. i'd be happy to share some of the
stuff i piddle around with as i'm sure other audio guys would...
ask for some samples.....or even (gasp) request something on the order
of......... communicate........ send a copy of the video, let the audio guy
see what he can come up with.......
just request something from the audio guy and build yr vid around it.....
i hope yr catching the drift of this 4 wheel drifting diatribe! (sorry, mr
anywho, you'd not have to worry about the bmi police.... although kevin's
most excellent vid put that feeder song in my head that i had to buy the
album..... now they owe you kevin....
audio guys? let the vid guys know what yr up to....
aahhh, yeah! this is hoping you may ask me to, hehe.
think about it,
"when Pop dies Retro will surely die with it ( only 20 years later ).
popsters are the ones who sacrifice credibility for the sake of the cool of
future hipsters." --misterwolf
"As for being anti-pop, I reckon most people hate it because they don't like
listening to it, I agree that it takes skill and talent to produce it to
that standard - and to make it 'friendly' enough to sell loads, get on the
radio all the time, and annoy the hell out of people who like 'real'
music." --SuperEgo
"you're not your freaking khakis" --Tyler