I did the following:
1. copy NASCAR tracks into icrII tracks directory
2. copy ICRII car settings into those tracks
3. Be sure damage is OFF in ICRII
4. Load NASCAR tracks, and have FUN
The colors are totally wrong, and one would have to adjust the track text
file to make the competition go as fast as you can go (the opponent cars
drive at NASCAR speeds). Furthermore, you usually start in some screwy
place like in the INFIELD of the track, or UNDER one of the hills at Sears
Point... that is why you need damage off, to get back on the track.
I ran 225mph+ at atlanta motor speedway. I am running VERY fast laps at
Sears Point also (but not nearly as fast as it could be). I always wondered
what it would be like for an indycar at Sears... as I thought, it makes the
track seem very SMALL.
Bristol is a riot! Tally is FAAAASSSST, and Watkins Glen is cool too.
Tim Villanueva