yourself? It is effecting your brain, not your sight! Do us a favor and
take your OT whining some place else, on a second thought take all your
post to another NG. Paul
> I have to apologize for posting some of what a fellow poster has
> been doing tome. harasser has gone as far as to forge names and use
> family member names to gain access to myself and my family.
> once this person decides to come after you. I apologize for saying
> anything about it, but it started here and This is the last post about
> it. I have put the matter in the hands of the phone company, the ISP,
> and the police. I have to say this here because Everyone needs to take
> this abuse and harassment seriously. A few joke and BS is OK, but when
> a deranged crazy steps in, continuous E-mails, messages, 3am phone
> calls using my daughters name to gain access to my family, this and
> threatens the welfare of my family, it becomes a nightmare from hell.
> You may disagree, but I did not start this as suggested. Sorry again.
> Everyone enjoy your Sims.
> ----------------------
> Steven S. Palmer
> ----------------------------------