Sorry guys for the off topic post, I only read this ng and so going to talk to the mainstream I usually go where I'm
used to. Anyways, I am trying to sell my computer system to take the
balance and plop a down payment on a P2 333. I posted at,
many times I might add, and didn't get one response and the funny thing
is, I didn't even put a price down in the post to scare someone away! I
bought the system back about a year and a half ago directly from
Gateway, it's a P5 200/32edo/17 inch Crystal Scan/Altec Lansing
subwoofer and seperates,software....well, you get the hint.(no, I'm not
selling my 12meg V2 :)
Can someone give me some advice on where to post a message to unload my
system other than
Thanks guys,
Are we having fun in Glide CPR?
Tony Gaylord - Portland, OR