I race on Hawaii regularly and since almost all the races are at
Taladega, I have run there quite a bit. I dont know how people are
qualfying at better than 195. I run about 194.5 at best by myself but
can run 196-197 in the draft. All the setups Ive found on the web pages
seem to be no better than 194.5 roughly. What do people do to get this
kind of speed.
Of the setups Ive tried, the one at Bill Cranstons site seems to be the
fastest for me. I tried the one at Eric Buschs site but I can't get the
speed he claims it can, even running below the apron like everybody does
on hawaii.
I would like to run faster but for now I'm still finishing up front by
qualifying decently and dodging wrecks.
See you on the track,
M Roberts(5)