found out is bugging me a lot, so I have to ask.
Given the lack of Vegas, Daytona, and Pheonix tracks, why on earth
didn't Motorims allow racing on the fantastic Pikes Peak oval that is
The Pikes Peak oval is closed, and you can race on a twisty
inner-track. But the oval is not only modeled, it is incredibly fun to
drive! (You can get a lap or two in before getting a penalty.) Now I
know that the oval is not part of the AMA circuit. But given that
there are three tracks missing, that every track in the game is
basically a road-course, and the ovals are generally the most popular
tracks in racing sims, doesn't it make sense to use this oval to
replace one of the missing tracks, like Daytona?
Everytime I try racing at another track now I just think how much fun
racing on that oval would be. Please, Motorsims, give us an oval! It
can't be much work with the track already modeled.
Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network***.com/