Normally I wouldn't make a post that is a "copy" of a private email I
received from a fellow r.a.s sim driver. Especially, not with the recent
hits I've been taking here about doing things for my own ego.....and no
other reason. I've pretty much been able to go "blue in the face," arguing
against that a post like this wouldn't be helping me out
much. However, this was too cool.....and "yes" I did feel good about being
of some help to this guy. But more importantly, maybe others reading this
would be encouraged to try to make their own sim racing equipment perform
better. And if the suggestions I've made about what I've found works well
for me on my systems.......helped someone else, that would be even better.
I received this email early this morning.......
*************************************************************************** Mr. Pabst, I found a link to your log in the newsgroup. I thank you Larry Teague Guys, this is the link to the same "Tweaks and Settings" log that Larry "Thank you," Larry for taking the time to write me and "make my day." I'm Regards, Tom
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 5:01 PM
Subject: Tweak and setting log
more then you'll ever know! I race Nascar 2002 and was doing ok with a
geforce2 32meg. but had to have better so I bought a Ti 4200 128meg. The fps
were the same. I tried everyones tweaks, downloaded and tried every tweak
program. Still I could not make the card perform well. I would gain fps but
would suffer picture quality and that was the reason for the new card. Alot
of people told me that with a PIII 1.0gig that's the best the card would do.
Well now I can tell them bull-dookey! Using your tweaks I went from good
picture 35-50 fps to great picture and 45-100fps. I tested the settings at a
daytona AI race and soiled my pants when I hit 100 fps in turn 1 by myself.
The picture quality is great..jagged walls are gone and cars are crisp. My
3-D Mark 2001 se benchmark went from 3500 to 5800!
Thanks for the settings and your now my new vid card GURU!
aka 87RedVette
downloaded and speaks of in his email. If it helps any of you like it did
Larry.....that's great!
glad something I did was able to help you squeeze out some better
performance for your equipment.