Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
> Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
> Thanks.
"I'm lost, and I've gone to look for myself."
If you are a compuserve is in the autosports simulation
forum file area
(Find: nascar Racing)
> > Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
> > Thanks.
Dana Bailes
How about "Destruction Derby" <G>
>> The can buy it in the stores, it's called Superkarts. <g>
>> Dana Bailes
>How about "Destruction Derby" <G>
Tuxedo Ben; Sworn Protecter of Mizuno-Ami
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> > > Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
> > > Thanks.
> The can buy it in the stores, it's called Superkarts. <g>
> Dana Bailes
/|\ David Otterness
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Yes, albeit with the 1995-96 cars. I have it... but I have only seen
it available on Compuserve in the Sports Simulations Forum, which is
where I got it. (Well, the author calls it an IRL file, but this list
of drivers looks a wee bit like the cars from the 500, which is fine
by me.) Here's the DRIVERS2.TXT file:
CHASS Lola Penske Reynard
ENGIN Cosworth Mercedes-Benz Honda
TIRES Goodyear Firestone
DINFO 0 2 0 0 375 550 235 562 387 562 375 562 Pace_Car Pacer
DINFO 20 0 2 0 500 562 500 562 100 150 998 999 Tony_Stewart Tones
Rushville,_IN USA USA Team_Menard
DINFO 18 2 0 1 484 541 518 553 500 600 675 870 John_Paul_Jr. John_
West_Palm_Beach,_FL Brazil BRA PDM_Motorsports
DINFO 3 0 2 0 395 532 442 536 600 800 550 700 Eddie_Cheever Ed
Aspen,_CO Brazil BRA Team_Menard
DINFO 21 2 0 1 459 536 518 551 550 700 800 900 Roberto_Guerrero
Roberto San_Juan_Capistrano,_CA USA USA Pagan_Racing
DINFO 5 0 2 1 477 540 526 562 500 600 800 900 Arie_Luyendyk Arie
Phoenix,_AZ Italy ITA Treadway,_IN
DINFO 8 0 0 0 429 543 515 554 500 600 500 650 Alessandro_Zampedri
Alex Indianapolis,_IN USA USA Team_Scandia
DINFO 91 2 0 1 444 527 520 551 550 600 800 900 Buddy_Lazier Buddy
Vail,_CO USA USA Hemelgarn_Racing
DINFO 32 0 2 1 514 555 465 536 550 600 998 999 Danny_Ongais Danny
Honolulu,_HI Brazil BRA Team_Menard
DINFO 22 0 0 0 245 462 285 475 800 900 350 500 Michel_Jourdain,_Jr.
Michel Mexico_City,_MEXICO Brazil BRA Team_Scandia
DINFO 7 0 0 0 511 562 518 557 500 600 750 910 Eliseo_Salazar Eliseo
Santiago,_CHILE USA USA Team_Scandia
DINFO 52 0 0 1 453 562 329 523 500 700 700 800 Hideshi_Matsuda
Hideshi Kawasaki-Shi,_Japan Brazil BRA Beck_Motorsports
DINFO 60 2 0 0 367 499 394 524 700 800 450 600 Mike_Groff Mike
Palm_Desert,_CA USA USA Walker_Racing
DINFO 75 2 0 1 462 535 513 550 550 700 600 800 Johnny_O'Connell
Johnny Chandler,_AZ Sweden SWE Cunningham_Racing
DINFO 4 2 0 0 456 541 554 562 500 501 700 850 Richie_Hearn Richie
Canyon_Country,_CA Brazil BRA Della_Penna_Motorsports
DINFO 30 0 2 1 358 518 375 522 750 800 550 700 Mark_Dismore Mark
Greenfield,_IN USA USA Team_Menard
DINFO 14 0 0 0 362 507 405 520 700 800 500 700 Davey_Hamilton Davey
Boise,_ID USA USA A.J._Foyt_Enterprises
DINFO 64 2 0 0 343 527 502 554 501 700 500 600 Johnny_Unser Johnny
Sun_Valley,_ID England GBR Project_Indy
DINFO 70 0 1 0 449 537 449 536 550 700 700 800 Davy_Jones Davy
Lake_Tahoe,_NV Mexico MEX Galles_Racing
DINFO 45 0 0 0 461 651 303 503 750 900 450 600 Lyn_St._James Lyn
Daytona_Beach,_FL USA USA Zunne_Group_Racing
DINFO 11 0 0 0 463 531 520 551 500 600 600 850 Scott_Sharp Scott
Indianapolis,_IN USA USA A.J._Foyt_Enterprises
DINFO 10 2 0 1 321 491 438 527 750 800 300 500 Brad_Murphey Bronco
Tucson,_AZ Brazil BRA Hemelgarn_Racing
DINFO 41 0 0 0 316 501 368 511 800 900 400 500 Marco_Greco Marco
Sao_Paulo,_BRAZIL Mexico MEX A.J._Foyt_Enterprises
DINFO 96 0 2 0 244 449 329 506 750 900 350 550 Paul_Durant Paul
Manteca,_CA Brazil BRA ABF_Motorsports_LLC
DINFO 54 0 0 1 395 545 439 530 600 800 450 600 Robbie_Buhl Robbie
Grosse_Pointe,_MI Argentina ARG Beck_Motorsports
DINFO 12 2 0 1 453 553 431 543 500 700 650 800 Buzz_Calkins Buzz
Denver,_CO USA USA Bradley_Motorsports
DINFO 9 2 0 1 420 535 418 526 550 700 450 600 Stephan_Gregoire
Stephan Indianapolis,_IN Canada CAN Hemelgarn_Racing
DINFO 16 0 2 1 312 507 411 530 700 800 500 600 Johnny_Parsons Johnny
Indianapolis,_IN Canada CAN Team_Blueprint_Racing
DINFO 34 0 0 0 372 545 495 587 800 900 650 800 Fermin_Velez Fermin
Barcelona,_SPAIN Japan JAP Team_Scandia
DINFO 43 0 0 0 265 445 232 485 800 900 650 800 Joe_Gosek Double-0
Oswego,_NY Brazil BRA Team_Scandia
DINFO 90 0 0 0 300 445 310 487 800 900 650 800 Racin_Gardner Racin
Los_Angeles,_CA USA USA Team_Scandia
DINFO 33 2 0 0 388 532 464 549 550 700 600 800 Michele_Alboreto
Michele Monte_Carlo,_MONACO Chile CHI Team_Scandia
DINFO 44 2 0 0 203 475 382 518 750 800 650 800 Scott_Harrington Scott
Indianapolis,_IN USA USA Della_Penna_Racing
> >> > > Anybody know where I can get a car set for the 1996 IRL season?
> >> > > Thanks.
> >> The can buy it in the stores, it's called Superkarts. <g>
> >> Dana Bailes
> >How about "Destruction Derby" <G>
> Seriously now, I've taken my share of the sh!t defending my track against
> those rabid worms called CARTfanatics. Now is there REALLY an IRL car set??
> Tuxedo Ben; Sworn Protecter of Mizuno-Ami
> _____ ____ _____
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> |_____ave____ur___ailors!=============== Please Sign!! ==================
I have an IRL carset that I could email you, its a pretty good one that
I got from Compuserve. It is in zip format and if you want it let me
know. We'll soon add a utility/carset area to our website at:
But for now I can send you the IRL set, let me know via email OK?
Thomas Enterprises Makers of the TSW, the best race sim controller.