> I've had RoadRunner for 2 years or more. When I first got it, I could
> download at over 800kps. Now I'm lucky to get over 400, and usually happy
> if I get 200. Still, it's the best out there in my area.
> ago, so they are the same company, but I think they operate independently
> on RR to help solve them.
I live in New England as well, and Mediaone (the cable TV company) just
started offering RR cable modem service in my area last weekend. I am
getting mine installed tomorrow (7/14) after being stuck with 26,400bps
dialups for several years. I can't even get a 56K connection because I am
too far from the telco switches.
Since cable is a shared resource, I imagine I will have a similar
experience, where the download speeds gradually fall off as more folks get
online. Then again, where I live most of the people don't even have teeth,
let alone computers, so I may not have much to worry about. That combined
with the fact that I do most of my online activities between midnight and
3am should get me decent speeds.
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