NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

Evil The Shar

NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Evil The Shar » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

NFS3 Hot Pursuit doesn't come out until 2nd October, so what's the point in
EA putting new cars for download on their web site when you can't possibly
install them because you can't buy the game?

Of course if you downloaded the warez version of NFS3 you could use them,
but EA can't possibly be letting new cars onto the net for warez users.

P.S. I would of course never have anything to do with warez versions of
games like NFS3 :-)

Tony Lon

NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Tony Lon » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

NFS III was released on Sept. 21st here. I
got mine via preorder; on the 22nd. BTW,
"here" is North Carolina, U.S. of A.


Tony Long

> NFS3 Hot Pursuit doesn't come out until 2nd October, so what's the point in
> EA putting new cars for download on their web site when you can't possibly
> install them because you can't buy the game?

> Of course if you downloaded the warez version of NFS3 you could use them,
> but EA can't possibly be letting new cars onto the net for warez users.

> P.S. I would of course never have anything to do with warez versions of
> games like NFS3 :-)

Evil The Shar

NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Evil The Shar » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00


I see.

Releasing games to the US before UK (or anywhere else) seems to be a rising
trend nowadays. Sob sob, weep weep. e.g. We still havent had Dune 2000
released yet, Motocross Madness wasn't released until last week, the list
goes on. Swings and roundabouts, we do occasionally get games before the US
e.g. F1 Racing Sim and TOCA.

I'll just have to wait a couple more days now before the 'supposed' uk
release. I've downloaded the new cars in anticipation of the release this


P.S. What do you think of NFS 3?

>NFS III was released on Sept. 21st here. I
>got mine via preorder; on the 22nd. BTW,
>"here" is North Carolina, U.S. of A.


>Tony Long

Ronald Stoeh

NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Ronald Stoeh » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

> NFS3 Hot Pursuit doesn't come out until 2nd October, so what's the point in
> EA putting new cars for download on their web site when you can't possibly
> install them because you can't buy the game?

It's out in the States, and I bought it in Germany, yesterday afternoon.
So it makes quite sense to post cars, doesn't it? You should start to
globally, esp. when using the Internet... ;^)


Toys'R'Us '99: "So, would you like a hand gun with that action figure,

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!


NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by RW » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Don't know about Oct. 2, just picked it up at CompUSA last night for $29.99..

> NFS3 Hot Pursuit doesn't come out until 2nd October, so what's the point in
> EA putting new cars for download on their web site when you can't possibly
> install them because you can't buy the game?

> Of course if you downloaded the warez version of NFS3 you could use them,
> but EA can't possibly be letting new cars onto the net for warez users.

> P.S. I would of course never have anything to do with warez versions of
> games like NFS3 :-)


NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Jo » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Or, if you bought the retail version at a store, like I did yesterday,
you could use them. ;-)


Mansfield Won

NFS3 new cars. What's the point when it isn't released yet?????

by Mansfield Won » Thu, 01 Oct 1998 04:00:00

Fun game.  I recommend a 233mhz or above CPU, and a 12MB Voodoo2 for the
best experience.

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