>>I've installed the 1.2 patch for GPL but I found that Stewart's name and
>>face had been deleted. Damn!!! So I reinstalled the Stewart patch to put
>>his name and face into the game. I turned on GPL and, instead of showing
>>GPL 1.2, it had reverted to
>>It's not a real problem getting it back to version 1.2 but then I lose
>>the Stewart info. Is there a newer patch for the 1.2 version that puts
>>Stewart's face in the game?
> AFAIR it's enough to change the driver.ini (replacing e.g. Beltoise),
> and to add a picture of Stewart (in the proper format).
I had the same problem, but I found out, what mistake I made: I installed
the 1.2 patch over a "clean" 1.1 version (without any second party patches).
Then I put "my" car-folder with the patched cars inside gpl 1.2 and made the
test: Version
Then I installed my first aid 2.0 patch, the test showed the old
The mistake
was, that my first installation was not made over a complete gpl-folder,
there was the car-folder missing (I forgot to save it in that clean 1.1
security-folder, because I thought of changing the cars anyway).
I completed the clean security folder with the cars-folder from the original
gpl-CD and then patched it with 1.2 and firstaid 2.0 and carsound and brands
and dubai and the nascar-tracks-patch and now, all is working fine!!!!
Hope, it'll help
Rolf Wesemann