1.2 reverts to

Buzz O'De

1.2 reverts to

by Buzz O'De » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I've installed the 1.2 patch for GPL but I found that Stewart's name and

face had been deleted. Damn!!! So I reinstalled the Stewart patch to put

his name and face into the game. I turned on GPL and, instead of showing

GPL 1.2, it had reverted to
It's not a real problem getting it back to version 1.2 but then I lose
the Stewart info. Is there a newer patch for the 1.2 version that puts
Stewart's face in the game?

Matthias Flat

1.2 reverts to

by Matthias Flat » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

AFAIR it's enough to change the driver.ini (replacing e.g. Beltoise),
and to add a picture of Stewart (in the proper format).

Matthias Flatt

Ruud van Ga

1.2 reverts to

by Ruud van Ga » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Weird, the version number probably can't be juggled around with that
easily. In any case the Stewart patch you tried wasn't meant for 1.2.
Perhaps the patch is available for 1.2.

Ruud van Gaal
MarketGraph / MachTech:

Kirk Lan

1.2 reverts to

by Kirk Lan » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The reason it reverts is because it's all in the EXE...both the version and
the info.  I think you may be able to do it with a program called GPLSeason
or somethin, but I don't know much about it...

Kirk Lane

ICQ: 28171652
BRT #187

"It goes down the same as a thousand before
No one's gettin' smarter, no one's learnin the score
The never ending spree of death and *** and hate
Is gonna tie your own rope"
                         -'Come Out And Play', The Offspring

Mark Aisthorp

1.2 reverts to

by Mark Aisthorp » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I use Stewart patch ver. 20 and it works fine for me, if you cant find it
anywhere on
the usual sites I can e-mail it to you (40KB).


Buzz O'De

1.2 reverts to

by Buzz O'De » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

This is what I'm trying to find out. Is there a patch for 1.2?

> >I've installed the 1.2 patch for GPL but I found that Stewart's name and

> >face had been deleted. Damn!!! So I reinstalled the Stewart patch to put

> >his name and face into the game. I turned on GPL and, instead of showing

> >GPL 1.2, it had reverted to

> Weird, the version number probably can't be juggled around with that
> easily. In any case the Stewart patch you tried wasn't meant for 1.2.
> Perhaps the patch is available for 1.2.

> Ruud van Gaal
> MarketGraph / MachTech:
> Art:

Rolf Weseman

1.2 reverts to

by Rolf Weseman » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>>I've installed the 1.2 patch for GPL but I found that Stewart's name and
>>face had been deleted. Damn!!! So I reinstalled the Stewart patch to put
>>his name and face into the game. I turned on GPL and, instead of showing
>>GPL 1.2, it had reverted to

>>It's not a real problem getting it back to version 1.2 but then I lose
>>the Stewart info. Is there a newer patch for the 1.2 version that puts
>>Stewart's face in the game?

> AFAIR it's enough to change the driver.ini (replacing e.g. Beltoise),
> and to add a picture of Stewart (in the proper format).

I had the same problem, but I found out, what mistake I made: I installed
the 1.2 patch over a "clean" 1.1 version (without any second party patches).
Then I put "my" car-folder with the patched cars inside gpl 1.2 and made the
test: Version
Then I installed my first aid 2.0 patch, the test showed the old

The mistake
was, that my first installation was not made over a complete gpl-folder,
there was the car-folder missing (I forgot to save it in that clean 1.1
security-folder, because I thought of changing the cars anyway).

I completed the clean security folder with the cars-folder from the original
gpl-CD and then patched it with 1.2 and firstaid 2.0 and carsound and brands
and dubai and the nascar-tracks-patch and now, all is working fine!!!!

Hope, it'll help

Rolf Wesemann

Nils Borngraeb

1.2 reverts to

by Nils Borngraeb » Wed, 01 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>This is what I'm trying to find out. Is there a patch for 1.2?

Try GPLSeason (>1.1).

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