Basically Tim it's changing some settings on the motherboard to make your cpu
run faster. You may be familiar with bus speed- ie the standard is 66 mhz, and
the multiplier of a pII is 4.5, so you get a 300 (297). By changing the bus
speed to 75,83,100 etc. or your multiplier 3.5,4,4.5 etc. you get different cpu
speeds. For example my abit mobo runs at 100 bus with a celeron 300 at a 4.5
multiplier so it actually runs at 450! Not bad for a $88 cpu. Not all
motherboards can be overclocked, you'll need to know exactly what brand and
model of mobo you have. A pII 300 can be run up to 400 or higher, the faster
you run it the more heat related problems you may encounter. Read more about it
or e:mail me.
> I heard someone talking about this, can someone give me a rundown on it and
> also it's risks? Thanks.
> I have a p2 300mhz board.
> --
> Tim "Calm Down" Wheatley
> ________________________________________________
> Tim Wheatley
> "Yellow menacing helmet in the mirror"
> IGPS - Ferrari Challenge - UKGPL - Summer Cup Driver
> ________________________________________________