DTR: worth it?


DTR: worth it?

by Stefan » Sun, 12 Dec 1999 04:00:00

First of all I've to say that here in Italy it costs about 40-45 $.
Then consider that I like very much oval tracks (N1, N2, N3 owner) but also
very realistic sims: GPL is my first choice when I want to "drive"; but N3
is my first choice when I want to "fight" for the position against others

I've got the demo, and it seems very enjoyable, but I wonder if the full
version is a little bit more realistic.
Another doubt I have: after a couple of months will I remain with the same
enthusiasm of the first days (i.e. I still drive GPL since January '99) or
the arcade (??) nature of its physics will make me take back to the others
two sims?

After all tell me the reasons why I have to buy it.


Phil Taylo

DTR: worth it?

by Phil Taylo » Sun, 12 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I've been waiting for this game for years - I'm sure I'll be running the
dirt for years and years to come - can't wait for DTR2 and the Sprint
version next year.  I highly recommend this racing sim.  It's just WAY too
much fun ...
GP-what???  N-huh???   Have both - haven't run them since the release of
DTR.  If you wanna get frustrated and act like an artsy farsty F1abbee stick
with GPL - if you just plain want to have the shakes and feel exhilarated
after a good side by side battle with some 801hp firebreathing monsters -
N'uff said - Phil

>First of all I've to say that here in Italy it costs about 40-45 $.
>Then consider that I like very much oval tracks (N1, N2, N3 owner) but also
>very realistic sims: GPL is my first choice when I want to "drive"; but N3
>is my first choice when I want to "fight" for the position against others

>I've got the demo, and it seems very enjoyable, but I wonder if the full
>version is a little bit more realistic.
>Another doubt I have: after a couple of months will I remain with the same
>enthusiasm of the first days (i.e. I still drive GPL since January '99) or
>the arcade (??) nature of its physics will make me take back to the others
>two sims?

>After all tell me the reasons why I have to buy it.


Trevor C Thoma

DTR: worth it?

by Trevor C Thoma » Mon, 13 Dec 1999 04:00:00

>I've been waiting for this game for years - I'm sure I'll be running the
>dirt for years and years to come - can't wait for DTR2 and the Sprint
>version next year.  I highly recommend this racing sim.  It's just WAY too
>much fun ...

Phil, I have to agree with everything you said :) since DTR was released all
other sims have been forgotten and just sit on the HD. I liked GPL for the
driving model but I really have no interest in old F1 cars and drivers so I
never really got into it.

DTR has it all for me and I can easily sit and play for hours with no idea
of how much time has passed. I cant remember the last time I bought a game
that gives so much pure enjoyment for so little money.

IMO Ratbag deserve all the credit for giving us a real sim for so little
money and I cant wait to see thier next offering, us dirt track fans have
been waiting way too long :)!


Doug Gordo

DTR: worth it?

by Doug Gordo » Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:00:00

The full version is much more realistic, and I would not call the
physics "arcade-like" at all. Try jumping into a Late Model car for a
quick race and you will see what I mean! You will NOT be beating the AI
cars in this game at that level for a while. And if you can find
someone to race on-line, it will be even more enjoyable. Unfortunately,
I do not think that there will be a lot of DTR players in Italy.

One thing that I did not like is the way that you must start with only
$1000 in the "Stock" class and you have to keep racing to win enough
money to buy a Pro Stock car, special parts, etc. However, it was very
easy to see where the money value was stored in the saved game file, so
with a hex editor I gave myself an extra $100,000 and bought the best

You should try this game, and at L50,000 it is still cheap!


Sent via
Before you buy.


DTR: worth it?

by jbo.. » Tue, 14 Dec 1999 04:00:00

> > I've got the demo, and it seems very enjoyable, but I wonder if the
> full
> > version is a little bit more realistic.
> > Another doubt I have: after a couple of months will I remain with
> same
> > enthusiasm of the first days (i.e. I still drive GPL since
> January '99) or
> > the arcade (??) nature of its physics will make me take back to the
> others
> > two sims?

> > After all tell me the reasons why I have to buy it.

> > Thanx
> > Stefano

> The full version is much more realistic, and I would not call the
> physics "arcade-like" at all. Try jumping into a Late Model car for a
> quick race and you will see what I mean! You will NOT be beating the
> cars in this game at that level for a while. And if you can find
> someone to race on-line, it will be even more enjoyable.
> I do not think that there will be a lot of DTR players in Italy.

> One thing that I did not like is the way that you must start with only
> $1000 in the "Stock" class and you have to keep racing to win enough
> money to buy a Pro Stock car, special parts, etc. However, it was very
> easy to see where the money value was stored in the saved game file,
> with a hex editor I gave myself an extra $100,000 and bought the best
> car!

> You should try this game, and at L50,000 it is still cheap!

>   Ciao,
>     Doug

> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Sent via
Before you buy.

DTR: worth it?

by Stefan » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00


Well! In a few days DTR will be in my hands :D


I guess Italy is the only country in Europe to have imported the
the situations is even worse. However there would be some guys here, and
there is the Internet if we are not so many.

hehe ;-)

1$ = L 1,870  so it costs about 80,000 L.  :-|   but I don't care for it in
the least! I've just ordered a copy to a national software-store...can't
wait anymore!

Thanx Doug...maybe we will battle in a multiplayer race in the future  ;-)



DTR: worth it?

by Stefan » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Tanks guys!
In a few days I'll get the game ;-)


> >I've been waiting for this game for years - I'm sure I'll be running the
> >dirt for years and years to come - can't wait for DTR2 and the Sprint
> >version next year.  I highly recommend this racing sim.  It's just WAY
> >much fun ...

> Phil, I have to agree with everything you said :) since DTR was released
> other sims have been forgotten and just sit on the HD. I liked GPL for the
> driving model but I really have no interest in old F1 cars and drivers so
> never really got into it.

> DTR has it all for me and I can easily sit and play for hours with no idea
> of how much time has passed. I cant remember the last time I bought a game
> that gives so much pure enjoyment for so little money.

> IMO Ratbag deserve all the credit for giving us a real sim for so little
> money and I cant wait to see thier next offering, us dirt track fans have
> been waiting way too long :)!

> Trev


DTR: worth it?

by Stefan » Wed, 15 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Thanks guys!
In a few days I'll get the game ;-)


> >I've been waiting for this game for years - I'm sure I'll be running the
> >dirt for years and years to come - can't wait for DTR2 and the Sprint
> >version next year.  I highly recommend this racing sim.  It's just WAY
> >much fun ...

> Phil, I have to agree with everything you said :) since DTR was released
> other sims have been forgotten and just sit on the HD. I liked GPL for the
> driving model but I really have no interest in old F1 cars and drivers so
> never really got into it.

> DTR has it all for me and I can easily sit and play for hours with no idea
> of how much time has passed. I cant remember the last time I bought a game
> that gives so much pure enjoyment for so little money.

> IMO Ratbag deserve all the credit for giving us a real sim for so little
> money and I cant wait to see thier next offering, us dirt track fans have
> been waiting way too long :)!

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