gamepad). Talk about a sense of tension and driving on the ragged
edge!!! Man, the rush you get flying through the woods pushing it as
fast as you can go knowing a slight miscalculation could ruin your time,
not to mention displace your radiator into a fuming pretzel. Richard
Burns Rally is awesome, hard but awesome.
Sooooooooooo much concentration is needed when driving this game. Oh and
outside view is NOT the way to go fast btw.
I did a few quick runs setting up the newly borrowed wheel and pedal
axises to my liking in the controller area. All seems great.
Then I tried some more serious runs like I would with my gamepad and
even with the wheel found myself all over the road and could barely get
close to my 4:09 best time.
BUT .......then I switched to windshield view. Drove for 1 min or so to
get use to the view then tried another serious run.
Blam! Instant 3:58 on first run and I wasn't even smooth or anywhere
near graceful!!!!
I think there are different physics and handling with outside view; or
at least there are perceived handling differences that really make it
hard to drive FAST in outside view. There simply seems to more stability
and more traction in the inside car type views. Call me crazy but try it
for yourself.
Do a serious run in both views and see. Am I smoking weed on this one or
do you others notice this too?
Is anyone able to race in outside view and be fast?