> GPL looks like a mighty great sim that I desperately want, but I'm
> not sure it'll run worth a darn on my system:
> AMD-K6/233
> 64MB RAM
> Win95/DX5
> Viper V330 (Riva 128)
> I know I can't run the Glide or Rendition graphics. How good/fast
> is
> the software rendering? Does the OpenGL patch work well with the
> Riva 128?
> In short, can I get playable detail levels at playable framerates >
on this setup?
Hi, I have just upgraded to a new system (BX m/b & CeleronA cpu &
8Mb 2D card & 12Mb Voodoo2 3Dfx) but my *old* system is very similar
to yours:
K6 200 (clocked to 225)
64Mb SDRam & win95/dx5
ATX case & Supermicro LX m/b
4Mb Mystique & 4Mb 3Dfx card
GPL runs *great* on my old K6 set-up, I have the graphics set to few
details, only car and track in mirrors, and the detail slider about
1/3rd from the *left*, and all unnecessary textures turned *off*
(horizon, crowds, etc) and get a steady 27 - 30fps in training mode,
and around 20 - 25 in races (with slight dips in fps at race starts
or major pile ups) which is very acceptible to me, but I'm sure
others will say they can only race at 36fps and nothing less!!!!
BTW, you will see an improvement in performance if you
overclock/overbus your system to use 3 x 75 = 225 instead of the 233
you are currently using. As this uses a 3.5 x 66 = 233. If you
increase the buspeed from 66 to 75 you speed up your *whole* system.
*Peter* 8-)
(NB: remove asterisk to e-mail)