GTP DASHBOARD needs loading -- but how??? (from THE SIM PROJECT)

Mika Vannik

GTP DASHBOARD needs loading -- but how??? (from THE SIM PROJECT)

by Mika Vannik » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00


      I am a GTP freak and downloaded the GTP series carsets for
INDYCAR 2.  I also have the dashboard and the IMSA file and everything
else on disk, but have NO IDEA what to do to load it into the sim.

     Honestly --------- I will probably NEVER go back to the indycars,
and will keep the sim in the GTP mode, so all I want to do is have
someone explain IN PLAIN ENGLISH how to load the dashboard and closed
***pit view (from the drivers point of view) into the sim.

    I AM NOT a rocket scientist and would appreciate it if it could be
fully explained etc, etc, etc.

   There is simething that I have to load IMSA.EXE, then do this and
then do that ----------------------------


    YOUR asistance would be greatly appreciated


Marc J. Nelso

GTP DASHBOARD needs loading -- but how??? (from THE SIM PROJECT)

by Marc J. Nelso » Thu, 10 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Each file downloaded should contain a readme file that explains the
install process.  The IMSA.EXE is simply a modified INDYCAR.EXE file
that needs to be placed in the main ICR2/CART folder and run as you
would the original EXE file (IMSA.EXE -H).

For the sound files (and other items) they'll usually contain a batch
file that'll patch the neccessary files for you.  Unzip these into
the oppropriate directories prior to starting (sound patches in the
SOUND directory, etc.).  The readme file will indicate if any other
files are needed to run, such as the PACK/UNPACK tools, etc.  Let
me know if this helps.

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>   Hi

>       I am a GTP freak and downloaded the GTP series carsets for
> INDYCAR 2.  I also have the dashboard and the IMSA file and everything
> else on disk, but have NO IDEA what to do to load it into the sim.

>      Honestly --------- I will probably NEVER go back to the indycars,
> and will keep the sim in the GTP mode, so all I want to do is have
> someone explain IN PLAIN ENGLISH how to load the dashboard and closed
>***pit view (from the drivers point of view) into the sim.

>     I AM NOT a rocket scientist and would appreciate it if it could be
> fully explained etc, etc, etc.

>    There is simething that I have to load IMSA.EXE, then do this and
> then do that ----------------------------

>             WHAT?

>     YOUR asistance would be greatly appreciated

>      Doug

Marc J. Nelson
The Sim Project -

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