Well it's been a full week now, so I thought I'd interject my humble opinions about the
Papyrus Network. I'm not a closed beta tester, just a NASCAR nut that loves to race.
Call me a "newbie" if you must, but I have the courtesy and good sense (even if I do say
so myself) to practice on the tracks I plan to race on, stick with tracks I feel
comfortable with (online), and get the he** out of the way when the leaders come up
behind me.
The Network: My complaints are few, praise and e***ment abundant - we owe Papyrus
alot for giving us so much for our entertainment dollar. Now before you say, "LC,
you're an idiot," consider this: On the weekends, we race real race cars at real race
tracks. We pay $12 each for pit tickets, $20 to enter the car, and about $5 each for
necessities like cheeseburgers and french fries. Last week we were involved in a crash
that consumed $1,000 in racing equipment. If we're lucky this season, we'll win 15,000,
and only spend $15,000. I've spent $75 on NASCAR racing AND the track pack, can race
whenever I want for FREE, and if I want a little more e***ment, I can pay $.14/minute
= $8.40/hour to race on the network. When I crash, I may be flamed, but I won't be in
flames, and all it takes to fix the car is to hit <Esc>. Now THAT"S value! I'd venture
to say that it's the most fun you can have with your pants on. Now you can try it sans
pants, but don't go blamin' me when you soil your chair as you enter the trioval at
Complaints/Suggestions: My only problems with multicar are that when I join a race I'm
not sure what setups are required (mine/Ace/ etc..). I'd like to see that in the racing
box. Someone let me know if I missed this feature in the manual. Also, I'd like to see
some indication onscreen of how many races are "up on the board." The other night I
think there were 9-12 races going on, and they were flipping around on the screen so I
had a hard time scrolling thru them.
High praise: OK, in short, the game is great, the network is good and will improve, and
the guys (&girls?) at Papyrus must really love their racing. A special thanks, on
behalf of all of us who meant to but haven't done so yet, to Rick and Ed, for responding
to everyone. I don't know how you guys do it, but thanks for listening to all of us.
Since hawaii went into open beta, I'd say the articles on the RAS newsgroup have
tripled, and you guys still take the time to read 'em.
In case you haven't guessed by now, I am a loyal and satisfied customer.
Happy racin'!
#2, #41, #5, then everyone else, then #3 - that's my dream!
{Home Page} http://www.racesimcentral.net/~lcinme
{NASCAR Racing Sim Page} http://www.racesimcentral.net/~lcinme/pnr/pnr.html