On Sat, 20 Jun 1998 14:21:57 -0400, stevendeb
>The BGN #14 driven by Patty Moise was missing from a carset
>I found the other night, so I made one. I worked from a
>front view picture of the car, so guessing at what the rear
>end looks like. It may not be a professional job, but it
>looks OK on the track. I can provide a pcx if anyone is
I made one with the "Xena Princess Warrior" PaintSheme, you can get it
on my webpage (address in signature). It's a CAR file with picture and
updated drivers infos.
There's also a link to a site with several pictures from Patty and her
cars that you might like to check.
Now, for any particular paintsheme for her car, I'll gladly make it if
I can find some good pictures. Just let me know what car you were
looking for ?