Since I can, this'll be a reply to both of your messages. GP500 will be
sold in the US but at a later time. For now if you really want it, and
it's a good thing to get it cause it kicks ass, get it on the web. Me
and plenty other people who got GP500 via mail order would recomend Fast and fair shipping prices. About tweeks, there
is a '99 SBK bike patch (skins, sounds and a tweeked physics system) and
there is also a 2000 GP500 bike set. Both which are very well done.
Tracks though are almost impossiable to create for one simple reason.
All tracks and models were designed with softimage 3d, a few hundred
dollar profesional program. And on top of the model is a code, for AI
lines, check points, etc. So it's not totaly impossiable, but don't
expect any one to take their time to do it. Hope this answers your
Simulated GP500 World Championship
> I've just noticed that the Microprose homepage says that GP500 is not
> for sale in the US.
> What on Earth for?
> Neo