What I know about DOS/Win machines would comfortably fit in a flea's
navel, but my friend Rick knows even less, and he's got a problem I hope
some of you can help me with:
He has a Dell P300MMX, 128Mb RAM, Velocity 128 4Mb graphics card, and
AWE 64 SoundBlaster. He also has a CH Formula T2 wheel (and pedals?
Don't know, didn't look)
Here are his problems:
His CD drive (some 32X whiz-bang) is designated as Drive H, but he
cannot access Drive H (or drive G, for that matter, which is an internal
Zip) in DOS command-line-interface, he can only get drive H in DOS
Windows -- that is, the DOS dialog box accessible in Win95.
He has the following sims, some of which work, some which partially
work, and some which don't work at all:
Nascar 2: His T2 steering wheel steers backwards, everything else seems
OK, and ALL other sims steer correctly.
X-Car: Works fine
NFS1: NO sound whatsoever
NFS2: Intermittent sound problem
He has no access to this newsgroup, and I'm as much help as the
proverbial mammary appendages on a male boar, so if you could give me
some idea how to start tracking this down, I'd be most appreciative.