I am a first year student at York University in Toronto. I am
enrolled in a Social Science course called Computer Consciousness. I have
an assignment for which I have to keep an eye on a single news group and
report on it. I have to respond to questions such as:
a) How often do people type articles on the subject?
b) How many people send articles?
c) What type of articles are posted/written?
I hope you get the point. First I thought it would be very boring, but now
that I have read some of the articles, I find this very interesting.
Personally, I have only seen one auto simulator on the commodore 64, which
my cousin has, called Test Drive. I don't know how many people have played
it, but it SUCKS. The graphics are not that great and when you go around a
bend, you sometimes loose control of the car. If you have any new games
that you would recommend, please tell me about them. I would also
appreciate it if you would tell me some more information about this news
group so I can do better when I put in my report. Thanks for any help and
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New