I'm running with the beautiful Hummerich car sets.
I'd like to try to set up for Monaco, so I start a
test session, do a couple of laps, pit, escape, car
setup, telemetry, nice charts, no data, no traces
showing any telemetry from my test session.
How do I turn on the collection of telemetry?
I've looked at the "Test Day" (Page 14), and
see nothing about turning on telemetry. I also
don't see references to telemetry in the "Vehicle
setup" section on page 28.
I've installed GTR-2002. I think I saw a
reference to a different telemetry program, but
I don't think I installed that one. So I believe
I'm trying to use the telemetry that came with
the original package. Should I be using the other
telemetry package?