As long as you treat me with the same respect as those treasured
scraps of paper on your desk I believe that we can get
along....without the need for getting it on....<VBG>
It behooves me and it hooves me to be very kind to those of you
(nearly everyone on the face of the earth) who are faster than GPL.
I am not worthy....I shall not wear the earmuffs of worth until I am.
Well then....Im confused so best that I stop....hehe.
PS I am nearly .61 of a second away from dipping down below the
9:00minute mark at (no not Monza...ha ha) at the dear old Ring so off
I go to shave that last little bit so that I too may challenge the
Aliens. (Huttu)
Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Flanker Target
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