August 3, 1995
Charles E. Evans
I have been racing with NASCAR Racing for some time now. And though, I don't
find enough time to get great setups completely tweaked, I do enjoy this game
more than any other game I have played. I have also noticd there is a 'Lap
Records' List for Indycar Racing, alas, none for NASCAR Racing.
Therefore. Starting now. I am maintaining a NASCAR Racing lap records list
to be posted as deeming possible. Just depends on how much traffic I get.
This list WILL NOT be automated [yet]. So I will be going thru these by
hand. So please keep the format to more or less as I specify.
Email your records to [Charles Evans is me :)]
Make the Subject line : NASCAR RECORD
If you don't make it that, I might not see it. But will do my best to find
all records. Will just make it easier on me if you do as I say :)
IN the body of the text:
Track speed.spd mph YY/MM/DD c s d r m NAME
Track = whichever track you are submitting a time for
speed.spd = speed in miles/hr followed by 'mph'
YY/MM/DD = date record was set
C = w(heel) | j(oystick) | k(eyboard) [controls]
S = a(utomatic) | m(anual) [shifting] ***
D = y(es) | n(o) [damage]
R = s(vga) | v(ga) [video resolution]
M = c(hevrolet) | f(ord) [make of car]
NAME = Your Name
** Please also enclose your email address**
** If you are submitting a speed for TALLADEGA, specify whether or not
restrictor plates were in plac **
*** Notice! It is now m(anual) not s(tandard). There has been some confusion
that I thought I fixed in the last posting, but it got posted erroneously
anyway. So please make the change for shifting either: 'a' or 'm'
Please be as complete as possible. But send what you know and I'll just
put a '-' where you dont have information.
Upon the request of Glen Kendall, I will soon be adding the 'current' lap
records for each track. Therefore, if YOU know what the current lap records
are in REAL-LIFE for the different tracks, please send them to me. If you
know their name, date or record, car make, etc, ... just send what you know.
A '*' before a record is a new/updated record
------------------------- T H E R E C O R D S ---------------------------
< track >--< speed >--< date >--<c s d r m>--< driver >--
-Atlanta--( Greg Sacks : 185.830 mph 94/11/11 )----------------------------
183.925 mph 95/02/18 - - - - - John Knowles
182.958 mph 95/05/21 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
* 182.494 mph 95/07/21 w m y s f Marc De Loose
181.483 mph 95/07/14 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
181.407 mph 95/06/21 j m y v f Pasi Ahopelto
-Bristol--( Chuck Bown : 124.946 mph 94/04/09 )----------------------------
132.087 mph 95/03/04 - - - - - Dave Larkin
131.545 mph 95/05/27 - - - - - Terrill Yuhas
128.705 mph 95/07/14 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
* 128.607 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
126.648 mph 95/05/18 w m y v c Gregory Vogelsperger
-Charlotte--( Ward Burton : 185.759 mph 94/10/06 )-------------------------
* 180.069 mph 95/07/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
179.264 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
* 179.206 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
173.794 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
172.698 mph 95/07/10 j a y v c Jay Martin
-Darlington--( Geoff Bodine : 166.998 mph 94/10/06 )-----------------------
178.876 mph 95/06/04 - - - - - Tony Johns
* 176.503 mph 95/07/25 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
172.970 mph 95/06/29 j m y v f Hannu Piispa
* 172.423 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
172.343 mph 95/06/20 j m y v f Pasi Ahopelto
-Dover-Downs--( Jeff Gordon : 153.669 mph 95/06/02 )-----------------------
* 154.617 mph 95/07/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
154.481 mph 95/06/10 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
* 152.923 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
152.049 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
151.706 mph 95/07/05 w m y v c Nick DiGiovanni
-Loudon--( Ernie Irvan : 127.197 mph 94/07/09 )----------------------------
129.982 mph 95/04/15 - - - - - Terrill Yuhas
129.178 mph 95/07/10 w m y v c Nick DiGiovanni
128.719 mph 95/06/04 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
128.093 mph 95/07/15 w m y v f Andrew Player
* 127.453 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
-Martinsville--( Ted Musgrave : 94.185 mph 94/09/23 )----------------------
98.968 mph 95/06/10 - - - - - Vince Van De Coevering
98.738 mph 95/--/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
98.577 mph 95/07/06 w m y v c Nick DiGiovanni
98.548 mph 95/03/11 - - - - - Craig Wood
98.431 mph 95/07/14 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
-Michigan--( Jeff Gordon : 186.611 mph 95/06/16 )--------------------------
189.528 mph 95/05/13 - - - - - Richard Scott
187.911 mph 95/--/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
* 187.572 mph 95/07/14 j m y v c Ashley Clifford
187.491 mph 95/07/16 w m y v c Gregory Vogelsperger
187.408 mph 95/06/12 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
-N-Wilksboro--( Ernie Irvan : 119.016 94/04/15 )---------------------------
106.040 mph 95/07/10 j a y v c Jay Martin
* 105.465 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
104.009 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
-Phoenix--( Sterling Marlin : 129.833 mph 94/10/28 )-----------------------
131.752 mph 95/06/04 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
131.189 mph 95/06/17 - - - - f Tony Johns
130.899 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
129.265 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
* 129.027 mph 95/07/14 j m y v c Ashley Clifford
-Pocono--( Rusty Wallace : 164.558 mph 94/06/10 )--------------------------
165.156 mph 95/07/17 w m y v c Nick DiGiovanni
* 162.452 mph 95/07/18 w m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
161.179 mph 95/07/15 w m y v c Gregory Vogelsperger
160.242 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
* 160.069 mph 95/07/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
-Richmond--( Ted Musgrave : 124.052 mph 94/09/09 )-------------------------
127.289 mph 95/06/19 k a n s f Chuck Evans
126.033 mph 95/06/12 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
123.669 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
121.865 mph 95/07/10 j a y v c Jay Martin
* 121.129 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
-Rockingham--( Ricky Rudd : 157.099 mph 94/10/21 )-------------------------
* 150.347 mph 95/07/17 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
149.706 mph 95/07/14 j a y v f Pasi Ahopelto
147.952 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
* 146.615 mph 95/07/18 j m n v c Jeff Butkiewicz
146.192 mph 95/06/19 k a n s f Chuck Evans
-Sears-Point--( Dale Earnhardt : 91.838 mph 93/05/14 )---------------------
* 90.887 mph 95/07/18 j m y v f Hannu Piispa
* 89.013 mph 95/07/16 j m y v f Hena Hakkenen
86.011 mph 95/06/18 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
79.276 mph 95/07/10 j a y v c Jay Martin
72.976 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
203.927 mph 95/03/25 - - - - - Dave Ziesloft
* 198.470 mph 95/07/14 j m y v c Ashley Clifford
196.943 mph 95/05/-- k a n v f Sakari Hannula
194.985 mph 95/06/18 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
194.171 mph 95/04/22 - - - - - Gene Russell
-Talladega-NO-PLATE--( Bill Elliot : 212.809 mph 87/04/30 )----------------
* 220.778 mph 95/07/14 j m y v c Ashley Clifford
216.744 mph 95/--/-- k m y v f Andrew Player
215.627 mph 95/07/09 j m y s f Kemp Kibler
215.596 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
215.519 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Jerry Cyrul
-Watkins-Glen--( Mark Martin : 119.118 mph 93/08/06 )----------------------
118.734 mph 95/05/06 - - - - - Bob Hruska
118.552 mph 95/--/-- j m y v f Hannu Piispa
117.641 mph 95/07/14 j m y v f Hena Hakkanen
114.828 mph 95/05/25 j m y v f Riku Reimaa
95.596 mph 95/07/08 w m y v f Glen Kendall
Andrew Player
Ashley Clifford
Charles Evans
Glen Kendall
Gregory Vogelsperger
Hannu Piispa
Hena Hakkanen
James Hayes
Jay Martin
Jeff Butkiewicz
Jerry Cyrul
Kemp Kibler
Marc De Loose
Nick DiGiovanni
Pasi Ahopelto
Riku Reimaa
Sakari Hannula