Stallone's new film, "Driven," check out these sites...
For "GP":
For "Driven" (it includes a clip):
--Steve Smith
For "GP":
For "Driven" (it includes a clip):
--Steve Smith
Wow, that's really a great read. Lots of interesting stuff I never knew about
the movie.
Hey Steve, didn't you use to play drums for Journey? :)
Larry Haines
No, I used to manage the Kennedy family's money. Now I race under the nom
de drive "Beau Brandenberg," the Stallone's driver in Driven." But yer
right--"Driven" looks like una bomba. The "Grand Prix" piece was apparently
written when Stallone still hoped to make "Driven" as a F1 movie. I'm sure
Bernie's grinders talked him out of it. CART musta been cheap--they think
500 fans in the stands is a "crowd." There are probably more hours spent
playing "GPL" every year than watching the FedEx Championship, huh?
It also claims to be the first open-wheel
racing movie since Grand Prix in 1966.
What about Bobby Deerfield in the 70's?
Ignoring the issue of quality, obviously.
>> For "GP":
>> For "Driven" (it includes a clip):
>> --Steve Smith
The original claim was that "Driven" was going to be the first F1 movie
since 1966 (altho wasn't "Grand Prix" actually *released* in '67?; the
footage in the picture was *shot* during the '66 season), but with the
prices Bernie is charging to even whisper the magic words, the next F1 movie
prolly won't be til 2066.
Besides the egregious "Bobby Deerfield," there was also the 1969 clunker
"Winning," from which I got my first online nom de drive, Luther Erhard (Bob
Wagner's Snively Whiplash-ish protagonist to P.L. Newman's Indy car driver,
Frank Capua).
Man, there have been some baaaaaaaaaaaad racing movies! Remember "The
Racers"? "I'm leakin' oil, Gino...."
> It also claims to be the first open-wheel
> racing movie since Grand Prix in 1966.
> What about Bobby Deerfield in the 70's?
> Ignoring the issue of quality, obviously.
> -Nick
> > Ouch, just watched the "Driven" trailer.
> > Is that bad (as in awful) or what!
> > Michael
I haven't seen The Racers, but with a line like that I might have
to track it down :)
>> It also claims to be the first open-wheel
>> racing movie since Grand Prix in 1966.
>> What about Bobby Deerfield in the 70's?
>> Ignoring the issue of quality, obviously.
>> -Nick
>> > Ouch, just watched the "Driven" trailer.
>> > Is that bad (as in awful) or what!
>> > Michael
Still, that WAS a bit harsh -- CART still puts on some great races, and
they do manage to pack in the fans at places like Long Beach.
Zanardi's return in 2001 should make up for the loss of Montoya, so
don't count CART as dead yet. Quite a shame that they couldn't retain
Bobby Rahal as their CEO, though.
-- JB
> No, I used to manage the Kennedy family's money. Now I race under
the nom
> de drive "Beau Brandenberg," the Stallone's driver in Driven." But
> right--"Driven" looks like una bomba. The "Grand Prix" piece was
> written when Stallone still hoped to make "Driven" as a F1 movie.
I'm sure
> Bernie's grinders talked him out of it. CART musta been cheap--they
> 500 fans in the stands is a "crowd." There are probably more hours
> playing "GPL" every year than watching the FedEx Championship, huh?
> --Steve
> > >If you're a fan of the 1966 movie "Grand Prix",
> > >
> > Wow, that's really a great read. Lots of interesting stuff I never
> about
> > the movie.
> > Hey Steve, didn't you use to play drums for Journey? :)
> > Larry Haines
Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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I always wondered what the hell went on there. Knew it was something fishy.
That explains alot, thanks!!!!!!!