After a few races "in Hawaii" it's obvious to me that the
leaders are much faster than myself ( my best finish was a 4th out of
26, but still a lap down on the winner). I am a "serious" racer however
and managed to run several races without CAUSING any wrecks ( I was slam
dunked from behind on the first lap a bunch and involved in a few
multicar " nowhere to go" wrecks). Is there a league out there where I
might fit in? I'm no hotshot and I'm NOT "serious" enough to flame
everyone with obscenities and think I'm a better person than someone
else because I can beat them at a game, but if I'm going to spend
$.16/minute to race - I want to race sensible opponents.
Any suggestions? Is there a league for guys like me??
P.S. I did a little "real" racing in the S.C.C.A. years ago and the
thought of costing yourself AND a couple of your friends $$Thousands or
a life does make "real" a LOT different than the Sim.